Saturday, 30 April 2016

Brymo Will Have To Explain His New Album Title To Me - RMD

RMD & Brymo

Who knew RMD and Brymo have a close relationship? Well the legendary actor on Instagram today revealed Brymo is one of his many sons. RMD says Brymo will have to explain the meaning and the creative behind the title of his new album which he titled Klitoris. Klitoris bears a similar sound and pronunciation to the female genitals, Clitoris.

Below is what RMD wrote

“Throwback to several years ago… I was at a restaurant when Brymo walked in. He walked up to me trying to tell me how he is a huge fan but I stopped him mid sentence telling him how I am a huge fan of his and went on to sing his song Árambè to him and that day he became one of my sons. Over the years this son of mine has grown into a fine man and soon his new album “will drop” (like you young folks will say). @BrymOlawale you know I love you and appreciate your talent but you and I need to have a father-son talk so you can look me in the eye and explain that new album title -lol and share the creative idea behind it”

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