Chioma Elizabeth Toplis is a Nigerian actress who made her debut in Nollywood in 2004. Since then, she has been making waves both in the industry and on social media, especially with her raunchy pictures. In this interview, she opens up on her marriage to a British husband and other issues
What are you working on currently?
I just finished a movie a few weeks ago and another last month when I came into the country. When the scripts come in, I look at them and decide the one I would like to feature in.
What do you look out for when you pick up a script?
I first of all look out for a good story line and the role I’m playing. Those are the two major areas I look at.
With the influx of new and upcoming actresses, do you ever feel challenged?
No, I can never feel challenged. This is because I used to be one myself and I don’t think the ones before me were threatened, so why would I be? It’s a big industry and everybody has a part to play.
What are the movies that brought you to limelight?
My first movie was ‘Stolen Bible’ in 2004 alongside big names like Kate Henshaw, but I gained prominence when I appeared in a lead role in a 2005 movie, ‘Trinity’ with several other prominent Nigerian actors. Since then, I thank God my career is moving on fine.
Do you have any regrets going into acting?
Sometimes I do, but it is 50-50. It’s all about balancing the positives and negatives alongside each other. At first, it used to hurt me a lot when people said a lot of things about me, especially in the media.
I don’t go to the blogs but you know people will always send you the links and naturally you will be forced to read them. You get to read horrible things about you but some people write good things though so I won’t just say everybody.
One or two words can hurt, especially when you know you are not like that. It hurts because I’m a human being but I’ve learnt to just ignore it. Sometimes, when they even send me a link, I don’t read it. I know that it is not every time you should expect good things to be written about you; but accept criticisms once in a while but most of these criticisms are not constructive and that is the problem we have in this country.
What will you say has been your gain and pain of being an actress?
I will start with the gain because acting is a good thing. It has opened doors for me. Before joining Nollywood, I had opened my boutique and interiors business but it was not moving very well then as it is doing at the moment.
But once I got the name and became popular, doors started opening for me. When I go to places looking for contracts and they recognise my face, they will be confident and want to do business with me.
You gain their trust to give you their money to work for them. That is one of the good aspects. The bad aspect is like I said before, how people will damage your name when they don’t know you and just say all sorts of terrible things about you. But I thank God for everything. The people I do business with have put deaf ears to those kinds of gossip.
They have gone to the extent of calling my kids names but they have never met any of my kids. They call my husband all sorts of names. Nobody had actually seen my husband’s picture until two years ago when I put it up on social media. I was the one that put it up for people that were saying I’m not married.
They don’t even know him. For me, he is the best man on earth. I also thank God for the kind of family I have; they don’t care about the gossips they hear and see about me. That has given me the strength and it doesn’t concern me anymore. As long as God helps me, I’ll keep moving forward.
READ MORE:- Men Masturbate with My S'exy Pictures - Nollywood Actress, Chioma Toplis (Hot Photos)
You just described your husband as the best man in the world. How supportive has he been of your career?
That is the main reason why I said my husband is the best. I’m in the country like five to six times in a year and he doesn’t really worry. He supports and encourages me a lot in all that I set out to do. My family resides in London.
How do you juggle family life and work?
I try to fix everything where it will be comfortable for my family. For example, last year, I did my Christmas here in Nigeria but this year, I will be with my family. That is the way I balance my family, career and business.
What determines your fashion style?
It’s usually the occasion that determines my fashion style. Someone on Facebook was saying recently, ‘oh, why you are wearing pant and bra to snap pictures?’ I said it was because I was doing a photo shoot for that purpose. I will not be coming to an event and wear pant and bra. So the occasion and the mood determine the style.
I see most of your raunchy pictures online and I keep wondering why you put up such pictures.
That is because I have an ad agency in London I’ve been working on and it is a gradual thing. One day it will come up. I’m doing plus size lingerie in London and I know that one day I’ll hit it big. I’ll have to keep trying. I don’t care even if people are criticising and saying all sorts of things about me, but I will keep on trying. I know how it is out there that once I make it, it will be a good one.
What would it take you to act adult films?
Act in an adult film? Never! But I can still wear my pant and bra to act, but going all Nood and unclad? No, I can’t do that.
So if you are offered say $50 million to act Nood, will you do that?
For $50 million, I can wear my pant and bra but I can’t go unclad.
What else do you do aside acting?
I do interior designs and I also have a boutique.
Does it not bother your husband to see your raunchy pictures online?
He doesn’t even look at them. Most times he’s there when we do the photo shoot. My family supports me a lot in my career. Most of the time, the camera men bring their equipment to my sitting room so my husband does not even bother going to the Internet to look at them.
Which part of your body is your greatest asset?
For me, all my body from head to toe is my best asset. Everybody with their own choice but my husband likes my teeth.
For those who have never met Chioma Toplis but may have a different view, can you describe yourself?
That is how the world should be. When you don’t know somebody, you may form your own opinion but Chioma is a nice, outgoing person. I’m a kind and loving person.
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